Our Community

“Everyone should have the opportunity to contribute to their community in a way that is meaningful to them - earning, learning, caring, volunteering” - Jacinda Ardern, 2018

We truly value these organisations that currently provide or have provided our ākonga with authentic opportunities to participate in wider community life from tertiary study, volunteering, work experience to community day programmes. 

Tertiary study

A number of our ākonga may leave our kura to begin their tertiary studies or they may study at a tertiary provider part time while attending Waitaha School. Ākonga who enroll part time in their studies can be supported by our staff to complete any follow up work or seek clarifications on any course content they are unsure about. 

Ara - Te Pūkenga

Yoobee College

National Trade Academy

Work experience 

Work experience provides our students with an opportunity to contribute to their local community. We see this as a two pronged approach. Creating work experience that will lead to either: 

Sharna's Dog Care

Riccarton Park Golf Complex

Selwyn Sports Centre

Te Kura o Mārama - Clearview Primary

Little Wonders Pre School Rolleston

The Make Company

Te Ahi Kaikōmako - Rolleston School

Te Uru Tarata - Lemonwood Grove

Pop Stop Papanui

Shelly Street Garden

St David's Retirement Village

Z Service Station

Waitaha School


House of Felt

Community day programs

Some of our students transition into various day programs once they have left our kura. While at school ākonga have the opportunity to experience various programs to find ones they are interested in. We seek to provide a smooth transition out of our kura to day programs. 

Delta Trust

Silver Oaks Farm

Melrose Farm

Art for Life

Horizons Trust

AJ Day Options Trust

The Chris Ruth Centre

Phillipstown Community Garden

Learn Active

Learn Active

Our fundraising superstars

Selwyn Award Dinner Sponsor

Chad Gillespie's Back Yard Ultra Fundraising