For additional information regarding opportunities within Waitaha School, or to visit our school, please contact or contact us on 03-344 1243
Available positions
Available positions within Waitaha School will be advertised on education gazette. Please follow the link to this site.

Occupational therapist Vacancy: November 2024
Waitaha School is a special education school in Rolleston, Christchurch. Students are ORS funded with an age range of 5–21 years. The school is progressive and innovative, our students are inspiring and fantastic.
We are looking for an Occupational Therapist to work within our highly skilled therapy team which consists of: full time SLT and OT and part time SLT, Physio and Psychologist. The therapy team work across Waitaha base school and 3 satellites, along with a small group of mainstream cluster schools. Therapists work with inclusively alongside classroom teachers, collaboratively constructing and implementing individual and group plans.
The terms and conditions, including base salary, for this position is set by the relevant collective agreement. The base salary for trained and registered Occupational Therapists will range from $ 71 848 to $ 109 166 depending on applicant’s qualifications and experience. Individuals actual base salary will be established by a salary assessment once a role is confirmed. The hours of work are 38 hours per week.
Must hold a current practicing certificate along with current registration from the Occupational Therapist Board. A clean driver’s license essential.
Applications close: 5 pm 29th November 2024
Send CV and application letter to Maureen Allan: