Specialist Teacher Outreach Service
Empowering kaiako and kura to deliver sustainable inclusive education where separate educational settings such as Waitaha School are no longer needed.
Waitaha School's Specialist Teacher Outreach Service (STOS) works in collaboration with regular schools to empower and raise capacity for inclusive teaching practices across the school so all ākonga are included in learning.
Our experienced kaiako work dynamically with classroom teachers, teacher aides, leadership teams, SENCOs, Learning Support Co-ordinators and ākonga to build inclusive teaching practices and environments. We use mentoring and coaching strategies as well as modelling best practice to empower kaiako to deliver an effective program.
The way we work
Our best practice model is to empower kaiako and kura to deliver sustainable inclusive practices across the whole school throughout the whole week.
Not here to "fix" ākonga, here to equip kaimahi with inclusive practices.
Change week to week the times and the day we come in.
Outreach teachers are not a replacement for teacher aides.
Demand full time attendance of ākonga at school after a robust transition process.
Collaboratively work with the whole team for sucess of the learner.
Support kaiako to implement Universal Design for Learning principles.
Collaboratively involved in IEP process.
Celebrate diversity and strengths.
Access to Waitaha School for professional growth.
Networking, we work with all agencies involved with the learner.
We are classroom teachers experienced in working with diverse needs; we can take your class while you spend some amazing relationship building time with your learner.
Our specialist outreach team
We are not "experts." We are all on a learning journey towards more sustainable inclusive education. Each child is different and we are guided by their strengths and talents.
Our team consists of a range of experienced specialist classroom teachers who come out of our classroom for a short period to share their inclusive practices with regular school colleagues.
Our team are experienced and able to work flexibly between any of our Waitaha School classrooms as well as supporting schools through the outreach service.
We have a mix of full time and part time specialist outreach staff, as well as full time classroom specialist teachers who have a small component of outreach.
Applying for Specialist Teacher Outreach Service
Please email our principal Maureen at principal@waitaha.school.nz
Once we receive your request for the service we will look internally for one of our experienced specialist teachers to support your kura and complete the staffing transfer form.
Students who qualify for High ORS recieve 0.1 FTTE while students who qualify for Very High ORS recieve 0.2 FTTE specialist teachers.
Professional development
Our specialist outreach teachers are able to facilitate a range of professional development on inclusive practices.
We are able to cater to your school and facilitate professional development in a range of topics including:
AAC - Alternative and Augmentative Communication
Behaviour as communication
Teacher practice for teacher aides
and many more...
Below are some professional development we have previously facilitated.
Why and how of systems to add structure to school days.
visual timetables
cheat sheets
Understanding our 8th sense - interoception.
Noticing, labeling and responding to our internal cues to co-regulate and self-regulate.
Building compassion and understanding of ākonga and their behavioural responces through our stress responce.
TKI : Inclusive design modules – Planning for diversity
We are able to facilitate any aspect of the inclusive design modules.